MAaV sebelumnya...ane posting sekaligus....[/size]
Flashbootv1.4.0.157.FlashBoot is a tool to create bootable USB disks, USB Flash
Memory keys and cards mainly. What are the benefits of such
devices for you? Let's see: unlike the most bootable medias,
bootable USB Flash keys are very handy: compared to floppies,
they have much bigger size, speed and reliability, compared
to CD-ROMs, they are random write access devices, so you can
backup your data to the same media where you booted from,
without need to reformat (reburn) the entire media. Again,
the cost per megabyte for them continues to cut down, which
is not the case for CD-ROMs and floppies.
intinya: ni tool bisa bikin flaskdisk lo..bootable
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CPU_Speed_Proni tool wat test speeed cpu pc nte..support intel/AMD
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Flash-Disk-Lock-1.5BERHUBUNG bnyaknya appliakasi pencuri data flaskdisk...ni pake tool ini lebih aman.
tpi awas jgan lupa password...
jujur aje applikasi wat curi flaskdisk data..ane juga punya
gak ane post ...dan ane dah test di warnet (gak pake sitem freez) COAM PERCOBAAN AJA. install, set, tinggalin. besokye ane balik....cek. dah ad 3 GB data bekas flaskddsk di komp,. tesrsbut.
ANE SARANIN KLU KE WARNET ATI2....salah satunya antipasinya protect pake password...soalnya applikasi pencuri data biasa running di bakground window...
..pas nte masukin flashdisk dia langsung copy semua isi flask ke folder yng dah di set.....
ok.gue gak mau banyak cingcong deh.....sikat
Flash Disk Lock adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk menyembunyikan data yg ada
didalam Flash Disk dan sekaligus mengunci akses ke dalam Flash Dish.
Untuk dapat akses ke Flash Disk diperlukan password. Flash Disk Lock ini
berfungsi juga untuk menghindari virus yang memanfaatkan fungsi autorun
dan juga disediakan fungsi Scan menggunakan Antivirus PCMAV 1.8
Flash Disk Lock ini Gratis dan tidak diperjual-belikan, boleh disebar-
luaskan. Seperti Program Komputer yang lain, penggunaan aplikasi ini
sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab pemakai, pembuat tidak bertanggung
jawab bila mungkin terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Mengenai peng
gunaan Antivirus PCMAV 1.8 bisa dibaca di README.TXT File yang disertakan
satu folder dengan File FlashDiskLock.exe dan File README-1.TXT ini.
System Operasi Yang Diperlukan Windows 2000 atau windows XP
Untuk System Flash Disk Lock diperlukan +/- 6000 Kb Free Space di Flash
Disk. Flash Disk Lock ini hanya untuk digunakan di USB Flash Disk.
1.Extract File Flash Disk Lock 1.5 yang sudah didownload.
2.Copy File Flash Disk Lock.exe Kedalam Flash Disk (Di luar Folder)
3.Jalankan Flask Disk Lock.exe yang sudah di Copy didalam Flash Disk.
4.Buat Password yang nantinya digunakan untuk akses Flash Disk
5.Flash Disk Lock 1.5 Siap Untuk DiGunakan.
Jika Flash Disk anda pernah di Install Flash Disk Lock versi lama, Flash Disk
anda harus di Format dulu. Back Up dulu data Flash Disk anda!!!
Sebelum Flash Disk di Format!!!
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DreamCalc.DCPv4.4.1.Pro.Cal .Pro portableDreamCalc is the leading Scientific Graphing Calculator for Windows that’s so realistic it dispenses with the need for a physical hand-held altogether!
pokonya ni calculator ajiiib....banyak sekali fungsinya.
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Easy_Screen_Capture_v2.0.4.27ni tool amabil ambil screenshot/snapshot. ane ga snapshotnya :))
karna ane pake easyscreencapture...ga bisa ambil tu program sanpshotnya...aneh..
pa gue yng bego. :D ...halah
sikat aje deh
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MEGa VIDEO DOWNLOADER 3.12Download and save Megavideo videos to your PC, Ipod, Mobile Phone, Iphone, PSP with one-click.
You don't need any players to play flash video just play it on the default media player classic. No extra codecs
or players needed. No need to use scripts for web browsers.
If you use Megavideo.com to watch videos online, you probably find the relentless pop up ads every time you click
play quite annoying. Megavideo Video Downloader is a neat way to avoid them.
This easy to use program works pretty much exactly how you’d want it to - simply copy and paste your video URL
into the app, choose the folder you want to keep the videos in, pick a format and off you go. The format list
covers most videos types you might need, from MPEG to 3GP, so you can use your downloads on most devices including
iPods and PSPs. Download speed does depend on your connection, but it’s certainly no slower than watching a video
through the site itself.
dah tau deh kegunaanya wat apa :D
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Microangelo 5.59c A true Swiss Army knife of the very best icon utility software. Microangelo 5.5 introduces complete support
for Windows XP icons. Version 5.5 includes a total solution for animated icons on the Windows desktop, providing
support for the creation, installation and desktop animation of icons in both the standard 32-pixel and large
48-pixel sizes. Microangelo 5.5 includes support for Windows XP (alpha-blended) icons throughout all of its tools.
You can even achieve stunning results creating and installing alpha-blended cursors to Window 2000 or Windows XP.
Find the icons youOre looking for with Microangelo Explorer. Organize and view your favorites inside icon libraries
and program files using Librarian. Create and edit icons in ICO files, icon libraries, and in all types of program
files with the seamle integration of Microangelo Librarian and Studio.
Picture To Icon converts images or any part on your screen into icons, resizes the icon and extracts icons from
With Picture To Icon you make nice Windows icons of your pictures and digital photos quickly and easily.
Picture To Icon converts PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, CUR, WMF formats into all sizes of Windows icons. You can capture
any part on your screen and convert it into icon or BMP file. You can resize icon form 1 x 1 icon to 240 x 240 icon.
All icon sizes below 240 x 240 can be supported by Picture To Icon. It's possible to convert 256-color icons
into true color or any other color. icons in the exe, dll, ocx and other executable files can be extracted easily.
alias....ni tool wat bikin icon2 di kompi kalian (icon animasi jg bisa)
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haduhhhhhhh cape....... TO BE CONTINUED aje ah....... :D