Hesitant to make those long distant calls? Fear of a large bill at the end of the conversation? Well, that my friends is a thing of the past. For the 21 destination countries mentioned below, we’ve revised our call rates just so you get to make more calls!
1. Australia
2. Bangladesh
3. Brunei Darussalam
4. Canada
5. India
6. Israel
7. Kuwait
8. Malaysia
9. Mozambique
10. Nepal
11. Oman
12. Pakistan
13. Qatar
14. Saudi Arabia
15. South Africa
16. Sri Lanka
17. Swaziland
18. Tanzania
19. United Arab Emirates
20. United Kingdom
21. United States of America
Best Regards;
The mig33 team
Nggak perlu sampai bokek untuk telepon. Gunakan tarif BARU-nya mig33!
Males telepon ke mancanegara karena takut tagihan kamu jadi selangit? Itu jadul bro! Ada tarif baru untuk 21 negara yang tertera di bawah ini supaya teleponan ke teman mancanegara bisa tambah seru!
1. Australia
2. Bangladesh
3. Brunei Darussalam
4. Canada
5. India
6. Israel
7. Kuwait
8. Malaysia
9. Mozambique
10. Nepal
11. Oman
12. Pakistan
13. Qatar
14. Saudi Arabia
15. South Africa
16. Sri Lanka
17. Swaziland
18. Tanzania
19. United Arab Emirates
20. United Kingdom
21. United States of America
Best Regards;
The mig33 team